is PRESS publishes short run art books and zines documenting urban art, art pranks, conceptual performance art, and contemporary graphic art in an accessible narrative format along the loose theme of individuals and their relationship to groups. Our hand made art books and zines deploy a sophisticated design aesthetic and high quality printing, often featuring unique paper, letterpress, and hand sewn bindings.
is PRESS will also design and (or) print
custom zines, books and catalogs for YOU!
The is in is PRESS is an acronym for: Institute of Sociometry, a 30 year running culture jamming, art activist and “pranktivist” collective. is practices guerrilla sociometry. Guerrilla sociometry is similar in focus to text book sociometry, without the rigorous demands of science or mathematics! Instead is deploys strategies from ’Pataphysics, Fluxus, Situationism, Neoism, Immediatism, Ontological Anarchy, and Dada Epistimology.
Institute of Sociometry takes commissions
for information based installations!
Contact all things is using the form at the bottom of this page. Or send us a postcard! PO Box 9542, Denver, Colorado, 80209