is FAIR 20202021
was at the Globeville EPICenter and Fort Greene Bar
in Denver, Colorado on 11/11 – 11/14

*FREE* and open to all!

Donations are accepted and redistributed to participating artists: paypal | venmo

is FAIR 20202021 Schedule of Events

Globeville EPICenter (aka the Globeville Rec.) is at 4496 Grant St, Denver, CO 80216
Ft Greene Bar is across the street at 321 E 45th Ave, Denver, CO 80216

Thursday 11/11
6:00-9:00 pm: Exhibition Opening | at Globeville EPICenter
9:00-11:11 pm: is agent conclave | at Ft. Greene

Friday 11/12
1:00-6:00 pm: Exhibition Open | at Globeville EPICenter
6:30-7:30 pm: Collective Misnomer Screening | at Ft. Green (suggested $10 cash donation)

Saturday 11/13
12:00-6:00 pm:
Exhibition Open | at Globeville EPICenter
1:00-6:00 pm: Bizarre Fun Portraits by Anthony Camera | at Globeville EPICenter

Sunday 11/14
12:00-6:00 pm: Exhibition Open | at Globeville EPICenter
4:00-5:30 pm: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures: is Agents Footage from the Field (screening and performances) | at Ft. Greene  

What is is: every four years we add a cheat-day to the calendar, elect a President, compete in the Summer Olympics, and convene the is FAIR. Since 1996 we’ve convened six is FAIRS in six different cities on this quadrennial schedule. Plans to bring the seventh is FAIR back to Denver in 2020, after a twenty-year absence, were trampled under the hooves of a white horseman galloping asunder across the land. On suggestion from our council of elders, we elected to hold the is FAIR in 2020, but actually in 2021.

The is FAIR is a pseudo-science fair for free-thinking adults; artists, miscreants, pranksters, and anyone with a good story to tell. Blue-chip artists, your mom (or child), deep thinkers, disaffected hipsters, even sincere romantics are submit a free-standing table-top tri-fold display or documentary film short, addressing the eternal theme of “individuals and their relationship to groups”.

Participating Agents:

If you are submitting work to the fair and have questions check the: <tl:dr + FAQ>
If you have questions not answered in the tl:dr + FAQ please email

Read a write-up of is FAIR 2016 “Emancipation” at The Smell in Los Angeles, California or see examples of past is FAIR projects here

is FAIR 20202021 is hosted by Birdseed Collective and is organized and curated by is agents miss [is]Halien, and m[i]le[s].

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